Thursday, June 17, 2010

Most Expensive Christmas Cake

This diamond fruitcake is edible after you waste your day taking out the 223 diamonds encrusted in it. The cake is a part of a seventeen piece exihibit called "Diamonds: Nature's Miracle" And costs...
$1.65 Million USD


  1. wow... there are people starving with no clean water, food or a safe place to live and this person spent almost 2 million dollars on a freakin christmas cake! what has happened to this world..

  2. haha that is pretty awesome :D yeah i agree with emma there but still, it is a gorgeous cake.

  3. greed has taken over the world what do you expect from the people in the U.S. they just want never give.
    p.s. from the usa

  4. bet it tastes like a shitty publix cake

  5. Not like fruitcakes were edible anyways.

  6. Just because the cost is written in US dollars, does not mean the buyer was American. It is merely telling you how much the cake costs in that particular currency. The United States isn't full of selfish pigs, there are som decent people here and there are some horrible ones, too. Same goes for every country in the world. Do not assume.

    I do agree that this cake is a waste of money. Why embed diamonds into a cake? You're supposed to eat it, not just look at it. It's a freaking cake. :|

  7. And she said "... let them eat cake." Of course Mary Antoinette was hung after that.

  8. It looks kinda ugly the shape not the decorations.

  9. People r dying n ya'll makin cakes whch is worth 1.65$ million dollars

  10. premendra: thats caws people dont know how it feels to be with out CLEAN h2o or food they didnt get from a shelter. im not saying you do OR i do or any of ya'll do, but some people (like bill gates and tiger woods and gorge bush and hilary clinton) are selfsih piggs and just plain stupid withch i doubt when they buy things like this they have an easy time sleeping at night and if they do they are going to hell. i damn them to it.

  11. Wow... that is really stupid... I mean the cake doesnt look that appetizing to me and it's a freakin waste of money... people, you gotta put some sense in your mind, I mean jeez, what the eff??

  12. thats stupid and fake and ppl should care for poor ppl or starving ppl right

  13. its shocking that someone would waste so much time and money just to do somthing so stupid like that

  14. why would you waste your money on something like that? who needs a 1.65 million dollar christmas cake?... gosh. and who would want to make a cake with diamonds in it that AREN'T edible? wtff

  15. Umm actually whoever said that Bill gates is a selfish pig he is not at all, Do you even know how much money he donates to charity!?!?. BILLIONS of dollars. He has gave more money to charity then to his own children. So actually you should research your facts Blog_girl347 before you try and act like you know everything..

  16. Ok people, Baking is an Art. So compare this like you were saying this about a painting. What's the point of a painting- all you do is look at it! Jesus even sd there will always be poor people, because everyone has a different amount of money. The rich people make EVERYONE else look poor. But I know there are people in Africa, Haiti, and other places that have no food, clean water, houses, medical care, etc., but that doesn't mean you have to blame this baker for it!! He was just doing his passion, and by the way, ya'll saying this was a waste of American money are REALLY putting your own country down, if you live here. There ARE decent people here THAT LIKE WHAT THEY DO AND DO WHAT THEY LIKE. So don't go blaming whoever made this cake for everyone that's poor. THAT'S what I have to say.

  17. why would u spent 2 million on a cake thats just gonna get looked at .... and half the fucking shit on it prolly isnt etable !!

  18. @Racheal Alexander: Marie Antoinette never said that. Common misconception. I actually didn't know about it for awhile, either.

    And, yes people, the money COULD have gone to a better cause. But just because it didn't, doesn't mean you have to harp on the baker for it. Even if the money DID go to Africa, that isn't nearly enough to fix everything and make it all fine and dandy over there. Africa, due to the age of Imperialism, has been thrown into constant civil war and the money would probably only serve to keep it going. (That's way they have no water or food, all of the money goes to the government and the wars.) They need to have some changes in how the government deals with the violence, something no that amount of money can help do for them.

    It is not the bakers fault, nor is it the fault of the person buying the cake. I highly doubt they are DIRECTLY responsible for the things you guys are complaining about, so unless you've got a miracle plan that will solve all of Africa's diplomatic and governemental issues with only 1.67 million US Dollars, THEN SHUT UP.

  19. i love fruit cake , i would not even know any one whom would put dimonds in a cake ! so i would put in candy isomalt dimonds , art deco cakes by gali
