Friday, July 9, 2010

20 very interesting things that you did not know about sex

  1. According to a survey of sex shop owners, cherry is the most popular flavor of edible underwear. Chocolate is the least popular.
  2. Marilyn Monroe, the most celebrated sex icon of the 20th century, confessed to a friend that despite her three husbands and a parade of lovers, she had never had an orgasm.
  3. Male bats have the highest rate of homosexuality of any mammal.
  4. A man's beard grows fastest when he anticipates sex.
  5. In earlier times, masturbation was believed to lead to blindness, madness, sudden death and other unpleasant diseases. Present research, however, shows no connection.
  6. The female bedbug has no sexual opening. To get around this dilemma, the male uses his curved penis to drill a vagina into the female.
  7. A man will ejaculate approximately 18 quarts of semen, containing half a trillion sperm, in his lifetime.
  8. Sex is biochemically no different from eating large quantities of chocolate.
  9. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
  10. Males, on average, think about sex every 7 seconds.
  11. The earliest known illustration of a man using a condom during sexual intercourse is painted on the wall of a cave in France. It is dated between 12,000 and 15,000 years old.
  12. A medical study conducted in Pennsylvania showed that people who have sex once or twice a week have their immune systems boosted slightly.
  13. During the 1920s, it was believed that jazz music caused one to permanately lose his sexual inhibitions. It was often banned in many cities. One private company went as far as to sell the elites "jazz proof" furniture.
  14. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.
  15. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
  16. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up(if you use a condom). It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers!
  17. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.
  18. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
  19. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
  20. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.